Janka s Michalom nemali jasnú predstavu, kde by sa chceli fotiť, lebo už dlhší čas žijú a pracujú mimo Slovenska. Bolo príjemné a slnečné septembrové počasie, preto som navrhol fotenie v prírode, blízko Prešova, kde by najviac vynikla prirodzená krása tohto páru. Po fotení mi obaja potvrdili, že si fotenie celkom užili a dokonca si po stresujúcom predsvadobnom zhone počas neho aj oddýchli.
Janka and Michal have been living outside Slovakia for some years now, and did not have a clear idea where they would want to have their pictures taken. It was a lovely and sunny September day, and I suggested shooting outdoor in nature nearby Presov. I believe it was a good choice and perfect place to compliment the natural beauty of this couple. When the shooting was over, they both confirmed they had quite enjoyed it and after having had to deal with some pre-wedding stress they had actually been able to relax.
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Music credit (iTunes) : Message to Bears – At a Glance

Bride and Groom Wedding Ring: Klenotnictví Karel Stoch
Bride Wedding Dress: Lenka Chroboková fashion designer
Venue: Išľa SPA Prešov
by Brano Novak
Zdenek - Už si zvykám, že robíš super fotografie. Gratulujem, máš to zasa krásne.